by Fer Medina

Estas últimas semanas las voces del mundo se han alzado al unísono para clamar #BlackLiesMatter luego de la trágica muerte del afroamericano George Floyd. El mundo se abre y repudia fuertemente el fallecimiento injustificado de un ser humano por su color de piel, y aún más hace volver los ojos a casa, a México y ver cómo esto nos afecta.

El racismo está en todas partes del mundo, es un pensamiento que pretende socavar a otro ser humano solo por su piel lo cual no está bien, esta intervención es necesaria, el 2020 es necesario para que abramos los ojos ante estas situaciones apremiantes y que hagamos algo al respecto.

Hay que alzar la voz, hay que educarse, hay que mirar, denunciar y promover para cuidarnos no sólo del racismo hacia la raza negra, sino de todos los tipos de racismo, porque negros, blancos, indígenas y mestizos, todos somos uno.

In recent weeks the voices of the world have risen in unison to cry out #BlackLiesMatter after the tragic death of African-American George Floyd. The world opens up and strongly rejects the unjustified death of a human being due to its skin color, and even more makes us turn our eyes home to Mexico and see how this affects us.

Racism is everywhere in the world, it is a thought that aims to undermine another human being only by his skin which is not right, this intervention is necessary, 2020 is necessary for us to open our eyes to these pressing situations and to do something about it.

We must raise our voices, we must educate ourselves, we must look, denounce and promote to take care not only of racism towards the black race, but of all types of racism, because blacks, whites, indigenous people and mestizos, we are all one.

What if 2020 isn’t cancelled?⁣
What if 2020 is the year we’ve been waiting for?⁣
A year so uncomfortable, so painful, so scary, so raw — that it finally forces us to grow.⁣
A year that screams so loud, finally awakening us from our ignorant slumber.⁣
A year we finally accept the need for change.⁣
Declare change. Work for change. Become the change. A year we finally band together, instead of⁣
pushing each other further apart.⁣

2020 isn’t cancelled, but rather⁣
the most important year of them all.”⁣

Leslie Dwight

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